Last year, when I joined Twitter, I was lucky to my first follower became one of my closest and best friend, her name is Emma, better known as @beingnobody. A little after, someone named @thecraigmorris started following me, it was cool, another follower but I had no idea that name would become more than just a follower, Craig became my best friend.
I could say, for sure that was a fantastic thing in my life when I joined twitter because I made some amazing friends, a great group which my dearest Craig is part of. He and his partner in crime Emma, I can´t love one and not the other, they complete each other, like two in one, both Emma and Craig were and are so good to me, since day one, talking to me, helping me , putting up with some problems I had and leading me to the right direction, but it´s Craig´s day so, I´ll being sweet with! Sorry Emma.
I love Craig, I´m not shy to say that, he is fantastic and I could marry him in no time. LOL! I´m joking Emma, I like the blonde ones. lol! It´s a big joke but I love him, as the fantastic friend he is, the adorable person he is and for being so amiable, sweet and extraordinary to me. This year, I will finally meet him, Emma, Leanne, Billy, Laura and the rest of my Twitter Tribe, he named us this way, he is so clever. We´ll party every day, every night and I´m counting the hours to take the plain and go to London.
I´m crying while I´m writing this but it´s ok, I made this entry/present to homage him, it´s a big joke, like the old Follow Friday Comics I used to do and next week ( I hope) a new one will be done and the tradition will return so, I hope you like it, I hope Emma like too because I did the last one for her, so, don´t be jealous Craig, she loves you and I´ll go to your wedding and I´ll make the speech, please, let me do it. lol!

Happy Birthday Big C, Lord Morris, Mister Morris, Craig, all ways I call you but there is one I´ll call you for the rest of my life, my best friend.