Yeah, that little devil up here is the responsible for the amazing night of chatting I , we had last night. The Sweetie Pie Lindsay. You have no idea how much fun we had, not to mention how much we talked about, if I tell you, I´d be banned from here. hahaha! Ok, but I think we´ll go to hell after last night, specially the subjects we talked about. I´m laughing only thinking about it. It also caused her a belly ache, imagine how much she laughed. lol!

What!!!! Lindsay!!! It´s a finger???? hahahah!

Don´t fool yourselves looking at this angle´s face, she is the DEVIL! Yeah, she is, she drove me to the bad way, straight to hell. That´s why I call her Lady Lucifer. We are both going to hell but with her, and be able to chat with her there, I´ll go with opened arms. She is pretending she is a good girl, she isn´t , bad apple but I´l be honest, I like her just this way.
She, now she is sending me kisses, just to buy me off and not share her dirt secrets. I´ll think about it, only if you sing Bananas in Pajamas´theme, pleaseeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! I love when she does it. ;)
She the reason she is my best friend, because she makes me laugh, cry and every time we talk, we have something new to tell to each other, something funny or just laugh a lot. I just adore my sweetie pie Lindsay. I´ll be very sad when she returns to University and we will have to chat less, I don´t know what I will do. :(
Don´t worry, this won´t be the last of my entries about her. I´m preparing a new one, full of adventures and in a comic book style so, she will love ( I hope) , just like this and the previous one.
Love yea my sweetie pie and see you later. xxx