This week was pretty nice to me. I found some interesting items to my collection, I always get lucky and find interesting and cool things, I am lucky indeed.
This is the first one, a Reprinting Superman book, collection stories from the 30´s through the 70´s. It was published by Bonanza books in 1971. Pretty rare and hard to find, a real treasure.
It collects the first Superman appearance, Action Comics #1, not to mention other gems from Superman´s library. Some pages are colorful and other in black &white, which makes the book special and one of kind. Also, a large collection of covers and other stuff, as a big Superman fan, I love I found it and I can add to my collection.

This is the second thing, finally my Ladyhawke CD came, a special edition with 5 bonus tracks including acoustic versions of My delirium, Paris is Burning and others.I had to wait almost a month to get it but worth every minute. lol
I also got Season 6 and 7 of Buffy, The vampire Slayer. I didn´t have those, here in Brazil both weren´t release and I found both for so cheap, the price of one and both are imported and in fantastic condition. I didn´t believe when I saw both them and the price. Now they are mine. Sorry, I didn´t posted the photo but you can see underneath,all items together.

I have to say, was a hell of week and I loved it not only because of those findings, but now, to close the week, a great night out. Se you later. Ah! This Sunday, I will read the whole book and watch some episodes.