After thinking about this possibility for quite a while, I decided to publish a novelette on line. I don´t know if it will works out, if someone will read it but I will do, I´m going to do to be true and let´s see what might happen.
I´m a little afraid of the results,My English is but I´ve never written or even showed my English writings since my school years and I´m afraid of what readers would think about it, I´m a human, I´m afraid of the possible mistakes I´ll make and so on, I know only my close friends and some others will read it but I really don´t want to play the fool or make myself a fool in front of them, that´s the reason I´m re-doing some parts and proofreading it again, to avoid any mistakes but I´m quite sure I´ll make some but I hope lots of.
I´m still waiting for my written novel to be publish and that was the reason I decided to do that on line, to show I´m not just talking, I´m an author and to show my work off and with "Hold me Tight" I believe I´m going to be able to do that. Let´s see.
If it works out , which I believe it will, I´ll do more and maybe that big vampire saga I´ve been working could see a place on this new blog, called "Chronicles".
Wish me all the luck I´ll need.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Now It Is Time.
I ´ve waited too much and now I know it´s time for an different approach and a new way to drive my life, now or never, just a matter of pride and no one will say I can´t do or I´m not capable. Tomorrow will be different and I really hope it will in a outstanding way.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Every time I think a door is opening, at the same instant it closes right in my face, I really don´t know why?

Friday, September 18, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
My Dearest Kathy.
Last Wednesday, I faced one of the darkest time of my life, which was so many that I can tell all of them by heart but this one really affected me, really made me so sad that I actually cried in from of the computer, I almost lost my best friend Kathy.
I hurt her heart and I know that, it was m fault, I admit but I also did it with no intention, but I hurt her, I tried to help her, I tried to avoid some bad people to attack her, which was something constant but instead of that I made what I should never have don, I attacked her and I broke her heart. I tried to make her see that I was guilt, but at a level I was, I made my BFF bad, something that I never thought I could do, but I did.
I felt, through all her posts she was suffering but I was too, with the uncertainty that she could believe me, that my intentions were just to help but in the end it only made her badder than she was already, and I was crazy believing I could lose her friendship, which is so important to me, since our first PM, we started that amazing friendship relation, which I always was thanked that it happened, for me, to help me facing some horrible moments I´ve been facing and with all her PM messages and gifs always made my day way better, as well as those that I sent her but at that time, I was afraid I would never get them again, not to mention any other PM form someone so important to me.
I could feel how she was suffering in each and every word she wrote, something that was hurting me a lot and for what? Nothing, just a stupid post I made and a birthday PM I sent to a bad person, how stupid I was, how horrible I was to someone so important, so amiable and the most important, my friend. Something that I will regret for the rest of my life, imagine not be able to talk to my close friend because of something so stupid but it was almost happening, even with my effort to prevent that but the damage was done and no way to turn back the clock and undo those things.
I was luck enough she returned my PM and talked to me, after all, after what I have done, it was something, I could stop asking for forgiveness, how sorry I was and how I regret the things I´ve done but I know she was sorry to, for what I have done to her, the way I treated her and how I made her cry, but how she could forgive me, specially after those things but she still, just like me fighting for something so special, our friendship, trying to understanding why I did what i did and so do I. I posted and posted and so she did too, trying to keep the friendship alive and I was trying to make her see that I still was her friend, even after those mistakes.
I´m not sure she will one day forgive but she is still talking to me, she still believes that our friendship can survive after those dark moments and I can say I´m happy for that, not for what I did but with her to be so nice to accept me again, to still answer my PM and more important, talk to me. I´ve learned my lesson, I almost lost my BFF and as I said, for nothing, she even asked for an advice, which she always asked and I always was and am pleased to help but for a long moment, I thought she would not come to me for help again, what a fool I was and I can´t stop saying that, not a moment. I still feeling she is hurt but I don´t want she feels that way, not anymore, that´s why I am writing this, to make her feel better, to know she is important to me and I will never act that way again, not after I almost lost her, not anymore so Kathy, forgive me, I know I don´t deserve but you was brave enough to fight for our friendship, the way I fought too fir still talking to me, with was also important, even facing that would never be possible again.
I love you Kathy, you are important to me and always will be, I hope we can be friends forever and BFF to be true, I was wrong, I hurt you but I was hurt too, knowing I could even talk to you is something that I can´s face, not you, not my close friend, and I´ll send you gifs because I know you love those and maybe will take a long time but you will trust me again because as I said you are important to me, in so many ways and I can´t and won´t let our friendship dies. I hope I didn´t talked to much so, one one thing, I mean two things I will say:
Kisses and Hugs from your BFF.
I hurt her heart and I know that, it was m fault, I admit but I also did it with no intention, but I hurt her, I tried to help her, I tried to avoid some bad people to attack her, which was something constant but instead of that I made what I should never have don, I attacked her and I broke her heart. I tried to make her see that I was guilt, but at a level I was, I made my BFF bad, something that I never thought I could do, but I did.
I felt, through all her posts she was suffering but I was too, with the uncertainty that she could believe me, that my intentions were just to help but in the end it only made her badder than she was already, and I was crazy believing I could lose her friendship, which is so important to me, since our first PM, we started that amazing friendship relation, which I always was thanked that it happened, for me, to help me facing some horrible moments I´ve been facing and with all her PM messages and gifs always made my day way better, as well as those that I sent her but at that time, I was afraid I would never get them again, not to mention any other PM form someone so important to me.
I could feel how she was suffering in each and every word she wrote, something that was hurting me a lot and for what? Nothing, just a stupid post I made and a birthday PM I sent to a bad person, how stupid I was, how horrible I was to someone so important, so amiable and the most important, my friend. Something that I will regret for the rest of my life, imagine not be able to talk to my close friend because of something so stupid but it was almost happening, even with my effort to prevent that but the damage was done and no way to turn back the clock and undo those things.
I was luck enough she returned my PM and talked to me, after all, after what I have done, it was something, I could stop asking for forgiveness, how sorry I was and how I regret the things I´ve done but I know she was sorry to, for what I have done to her, the way I treated her and how I made her cry, but how she could forgive me, specially after those things but she still, just like me fighting for something so special, our friendship, trying to understanding why I did what i did and so do I. I posted and posted and so she did too, trying to keep the friendship alive and I was trying to make her see that I still was her friend, even after those mistakes.
I´m not sure she will one day forgive but she is still talking to me, she still believes that our friendship can survive after those dark moments and I can say I´m happy for that, not for what I did but with her to be so nice to accept me again, to still answer my PM and more important, talk to me. I´ve learned my lesson, I almost lost my BFF and as I said, for nothing, she even asked for an advice, which she always asked and I always was and am pleased to help but for a long moment, I thought she would not come to me for help again, what a fool I was and I can´t stop saying that, not a moment. I still feeling she is hurt but I don´t want she feels that way, not anymore, that´s why I am writing this, to make her feel better, to know she is important to me and I will never act that way again, not after I almost lost her, not anymore so Kathy, forgive me, I know I don´t deserve but you was brave enough to fight for our friendship, the way I fought too fir still talking to me, with was also important, even facing that would never be possible again.
I love you Kathy, you are important to me and always will be, I hope we can be friends forever and BFF to be true, I was wrong, I hurt you but I was hurt too, knowing I could even talk to you is something that I can´s face, not you, not my close friend, and I´ll send you gifs because I know you love those and maybe will take a long time but you will trust me again because as I said you are important to me, in so many ways and I can´t and won´t let our friendship dies. I hope I didn´t talked to much so, one one thing, I mean two things I will say:
Kisses and Hugs from your BFF.
Biannual Book Fair.
Well this is is another edition of the biannual book fair or in Portuguese: Bienal do Livro, it´s a huge literary event, which is something traditional to me after all I´ve been to the last 5 editions, of 15, good numbers. I love this events and here in Rio is so rare that happen, after all, books are very expensive and most of the people can afford them but let´s forget it and go to the fair, I´ll be you guide.
It´s not near, it´s in a place called Recreio dos Bandeirantes, a little far from Barra da Tijuca, which is far too but it´s a good trip, after all, I could see some beauty places and others not so good.

The "trip" takes more or less two hours, which we can see some interesting views like beaches, most of the way is full of them, I love the coast and Rio is the place for that, and take a look.

Finally I arrived, after almost two hours and with my stomach in heat, I´m not tolerate to long vehicle trips but here I am, a little early from the opening, only a few minutes until it, I love the first day, no crowd, you can look for things without worry and it´s calm, for a hunter l
like me, it´s perfect, different from the weekends, which is almost impossible, not to mention school trips and all the rest but it´s another tradition of mine, first day and it´s opening, I have to go.

I payed R$12,00 for the pass, which provided me access to all the place, I take the program and the map and here I go, to the hunt. It´s a big place, Rio Centro, the name of the place is huge, if you imagine when here had that Panamerican Olympic games, some competitions were practiced there, it´s so huge that you can get lost but I have the map and here I go.

It´s the corridor I walked to see the places and to go to my first place, Devir, there is the place I buy my comics, they send them to me but I also like to go to see my friend Paulo which takes care of my and other´s signature, I talked to him for a long time that I forgot to take the picture, I suck sometimes, but I also find some good things there, Ghost World TP, Miracle man Silver age Book 4, Grendel TP that I missed and some old marvel Graphic Novels, Those I took pictures, and look below and you´l see;

I also talked to some editors and take addresses to send my novel, which I can say look promising, at least they looked interest so, Monday I´ll start to work hard to see it goes well, fingers crossed.
More walk and more places but I stopped for a while to eat, my Club Social crackers and a Coca Cola, after all, I´m hungry. After the "lunch" another round and look who I found, Hulk, the literature monster.

Even Twilight was present, my friend Janina from twitter and Facebook would love that and not to mention the amount of magazines with Twilight on it, She would be in heaven. I like it too so, I was a little in heaven too.
Well, time to go, after three hours walking there, I´m so tired and the trip will be exhausting too, but it was worth, but it sad too.
Good Bye book fair, see you in two years from now.
The return is also full of good sights, nature is everywhere and also some not so good images but I´ll show only the beauties, which is right here.

So, after another two hours and some reading and photos, I´m almost home, pretty close.

It was a fantastic day, which I will always remember, which some excellent finds and a whole day of joy and fun and I´ll have to wait another two years to go again but will be great, just like this one, I´ll be part as a famous writer, will be excellent.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I Have To Do That More Often.
I have indeed, it was a great time, I went, out of sudden to go to a little place called Mangaratiba, it´s a type of summer place and also has a fantastic beach so, why not?
I took the bus, which I spent almost two hours to get there, I was lucky because this weekend it´s a four day weekend due Independence day, it started well. I went knowing there were any vacancy in any hotel but I really cared, I was only stay for the day, so, beach here I was.
I had to walk a little to arrive to the beach, it´s along railroad but with no train so, just walk and walk, not a good thing in a hot day but that beach really make that sacrifice worth. After a while walking I finally was in the beach, which I really don´t know the name but it really mattered? Of course not, only enjoy every minute was important there.
I put my light bag, with only a t-shirt, a shirt, two towels and some money to eat and drink and have a great time, enjoying the warm sunny lights, not to mention I swan like I´ve never for a long time, The sea there is like a giant pool, no waves and just enjoy, even with the large number of people there but I really cared, it was my fun time so, give me space.
After almost a morning an most of the day enjoying the beach was time to leave, eat something so, I went downtown and there were a good restaurant when I had a very light meal, salad and a beef, just to eat something and have no further problem. After that, I took a walk through the city until my time to leave and that was my day, a great time which I have to do it more often, and I´ll.
While I was in the bus, returning to home I realized something, one thing that I have to buy in the future is my own private island, just like Johnny Depp, don´t have to be a caribbean one but a good and perfect one is good for me, who know? Maybe after I became famous.
I took the bus, which I spent almost two hours to get there, I was lucky because this weekend it´s a four day weekend due Independence day, it started well. I went knowing there were any vacancy in any hotel but I really cared, I was only stay for the day, so, beach here I was.
I had to walk a little to arrive to the beach, it´s along railroad but with no train so, just walk and walk, not a good thing in a hot day but that beach really make that sacrifice worth. After a while walking I finally was in the beach, which I really don´t know the name but it really mattered? Of course not, only enjoy every minute was important there.
I put my light bag, with only a t-shirt, a shirt, two towels and some money to eat and drink and have a great time, enjoying the warm sunny lights, not to mention I swan like I´ve never for a long time, The sea there is like a giant pool, no waves and just enjoy, even with the large number of people there but I really cared, it was my fun time so, give me space.
After almost a morning an most of the day enjoying the beach was time to leave, eat something so, I went downtown and there were a good restaurant when I had a very light meal, salad and a beef, just to eat something and have no further problem. After that, I took a walk through the city until my time to leave and that was my day, a great time which I have to do it more often, and I´ll.
While I was in the bus, returning to home I realized something, one thing that I have to buy in the future is my own private island, just like Johnny Depp, don´t have to be a caribbean one but a good and perfect one is good for me, who know? Maybe after I became famous.
Friday, September 4, 2009
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