Well this is is another edition of the biannual book fair or in Portuguese: Bienal do Livro, it´s a huge literary event, which is something traditional to me after all I´ve been to the last 5 editions, of 15, good numbers. I love this events and here in Rio is so rare that happen, after all, books are very expensive and most of the people can afford them but let´s forget it and go to the fair, I´ll be you guide.
It´s not near, it´s in a place called Recreio dos Bandeirantes, a little far from Barra da Tijuca, which is far too but it´s a good trip, after all, I could see some beauty places and others not so good.

The "trip" takes more or less two hours, which we can see some interesting views like beaches, most of the way is full of them, I love the coast and Rio is the place for that, and take a look.

Finally I arrived, after almost two hours and with my stomach in heat, I´m not tolerate to long vehicle trips but here I am, a little early from the opening, only a few minutes until it, I love the first day, no crowd, you can look for things without worry and it´s calm, for a hunter l
like me, it´s perfect, different from the weekends, which is almost impossible, not to mention school trips and all the rest but it´s another tradition of mine, first day and it´s opening, I have to go.

I payed R$12,00 for the pass, which provided me access to all the place, I take the program and the map and here I go, to the hunt. It´s a big place, Rio Centro, the name of the place is huge, if you imagine when here had that Panamerican Olympic games, some competitions were practiced there, it´s so huge that you can get lost but I have the map and here I go.

It´s the corridor I walked to see the places and to go to my first place, Devir, there is the place I buy my comics, they send them to me but I also like to go to see my friend Paulo which takes care of my and other´s signature, I talked to him for a long time that I forgot to take the picture, I suck sometimes, but I also find some good things there, Ghost World TP, Miracle man Silver age Book 4, Grendel TP that I missed and some old marvel Graphic Novels, Those I took pictures, and look below and you´l see;

I also talked to some editors and take addresses to send my novel, which I can say look promising, at least they looked interest so, Monday I´ll start to work hard to see it goes well, fingers crossed.
More walk and more places but I stopped for a while to eat, my Club Social crackers and a Coca Cola, after all, I´m hungry. After the "lunch" another round and look who I found, Hulk, the literature monster.

Even Twilight was present, my friend Janina from twitter and Facebook would love that and not to mention the amount of magazines with Twilight on it, She would be in heaven. I like it too so, I was a little in heaven too.
Well, time to go, after three hours walking there, I´m so tired and the trip will be exhausting too, but it was worth, but it sad too.
Good Bye book fair, see you in two years from now.
The return is also full of good sights, nature is everywhere and also some not so good images but I´ll show only the beauties, which is right here.

So, after another two hours and some reading and photos, I´m almost home, pretty close.

It was a fantastic day, which I will always remember, which some excellent finds and a whole day of joy and fun and I´ll have to wait another two years to go again but will be great, just like this one, I´ll be part as a famous writer, will be excellent.
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