Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Brand New Day?

Well, that only worked with Spider-Man, after he cut that deal with Mephisto and started over, free from his mistakes from the past, even thought he "deal" kind of backfired, after all, instead of moving on, he is what he always was, a "loser". I´m going to put the comic book analogy aside, after all, my point can have something in common but not that much.

I agree things is a little better, since last week but I feel, I´ve been feeling like I´m walking in circles, that I´ve been walking in circles, Have I? Unfortunately I am.

It´s pretty funny and even peculiar, when we (in my case I) want something so bad that we create a illusion, a fantasy that only we (I) can see it. Little by little I´ve been seeing it, day by day it´s been showing to me what I want, what I desire is just an illusion, pure and simple.

The difference between I want and I will have is huge, like miles and miles and no matter how much I walk through it, I´ll never get there, when I´m just about there, it goes fast and I lose touch.

Como eu queria poder saber se ela gosta de mim, mesmo ela dizendo que sim (mentira).

That´s the point, I will never get that illusion, always , like that the Primitives song: I almost touched you, always, always, always...

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