Since my first contact with Kathy, we became good friends, but after some short time, indeed was sort, we became good friends and I knew she wasn´t just another forum buddy, she became a fantastic friend, a true BFF.
Some time passed since our first chat and I can say we are still BFF, which sometimes can be difficult to manage in that crazy Internet world but we pretty can continue to talk and be great friend. She helped me several times and still help, I can´t believe how she was able to put up with me sometimes but she was, she always was there for me, and still is, even when I look totally hopeless, she can find time to help me, to say some courageous words and open my eyes. I helped her too, not as much as she helped me because she is too wise but I helped her, I was there fr her or when it was just a post or a hello, she is fantastic!
I still have the opportunity to meet her in reason but I will one day but it really doesn´t matter, she is so nice and accepted me just the way I am that is a bless, I´m blessed to have a friend like her, to have the pleasure to be part of her life but one day I will meet her, we´ll have a fantastic time, I will meet her fantastic family, Tony, her daughter and her boys, I believe will be amazing to see her family, a family she loves and cares about like a big mama she is. You did and do a fantastic job dear, they all are adorable.
Dear Kathy, I wish you happy birthday, a day full of joy happiness, funny moments and lots and lots of presents. I can´t be at you party but I´ll be with my happiness, my love and my joy, because since we met, you are more than just a friend, you are my BFF. Thanks for being my BFF Kathy, next year,I´ll be at your party.

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