Last night, our cat Futuko passed away, he wasn´t sick or anything, he just died Maybe it was his time to say good bye and fly away from us, I don´t know, but he was with us, he died on his favorite spot his round cat bed, with his blanked and in my mom´s bedroom, his place to sleep . He was a nice cat, sometimes he was pretty crazy, full of habits and always doing something funny to make us laugh, specially when I used to make him walk on his front paws and he just pretended he lost balance and fell, like all his bones were broken or if he simply doesn´t have any bones.
I remember when I posted his photo on Facebook and everybody loved his blue eyes, his poses because he was a poser, like a friend said all the time when I showed his photos. He was something.
I will always remember him, his eating time, always hungry like a wolf, always wanted more to eat, his time sleeping or when he went out to date his girls. You will be missed Monsieur Futuko Ku, his full name or just like my mom called him, Tuko. Good Night sweet Prince, you will be missed but never forgotten.
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