Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Funny and unusual

Today I had some time off after lunch so I decided to go to a bookstore. It´s a type of flee market, a two floor store full of old books and magazines. Of course I went straight to the comic book section.

I already went there, several times but the reason I don´t go there often is it´s very dirt, all the shelves and comics are dust and disorganized. You need patience and hours to go deep and dig all shelves if you want to find anything you want and sometimes, you´ll not succeed.

Actually, I wasn´t looking for any specific comic, I just went to kill some time off but I found an old Prisoner limited series I didn´t read, 4 part mini-series. I also find some interesting stuff I will go get them in another opportunity but what really caught my attention was the cat I saw there, yeah a cat.

I knew that grey cat for a long time, he is a type of mascot of the place. He is a piece or work. he sleeps on the shelves, just like he is taking care of the comics. Interesting is when you ask him to move to another spot and he goes. He is really nice but very away, he looks to you, let you touch him and play but after a while. he moves, lays down and goes to his sleeping.

Sometimes, those small and amusing things really make our day, even for a little while, like this funny cat, definitively his way put a smile on my face.

Sad I forgot to take a picture but next time I go there, I will take one.

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