I was wrong, totally, specially after her efforts to save me, to put out that misery I was so overwhelmed and dominated but once again, I did the opposite, I let that misery affects and dominates me, like the fool I always am. My biggest mistake was to hear what she said and fear that she might not care about me, because I felt that, I really did, I could felt that on her voice, and once again, I fear, to lose what I care the most, what I appreciate the most , her friendship.
I faced so many losses in my life, not to mention that I also caused so many horrible things to others and I also killed so many friendships and that possibility, to not be able to see or talk to her affected me and I let sorrow took over me. After I helped my mom, I set and felt like I was fading away, like my soul was trying to leave my body and waited to call her.
But my luck smiled at me again, thanks to my horrible phone, which decided to be a good boy and works, I could be able to talk to her, to express my feelings, my fears and to once again, say sorry, which she is totally bored of listening it but she did, once again, she forgave me, not that what happened was something so bad but because I was sorry and afraid to lose her.

I cried, while I waited to call her, I really did, because I didn´t know what might happen, because I was a horrible person, I thought: If she never answers my calls again? If she never reads my twitters again? if she forgets me forever? All that rushed into my brain, like horses on a race I felt myself get tired, o f me, of being such horrible individual, for let others to control me, to dominate me and to hurt my adorable sweetie pie, which I could or think about the possibility to be apart from her, to not laugh with her, to listen to her special song, which makes me so happy and smile on the other side of the phone, not to mention, which I can´t forget, my other lovely friend Lassie, which I just knew she gets happy only from listen my voice, I love you Lassie, I really do my dear.

Well, I think I said enough or I´ll cry again, but I can´t help myself, I´m already crying while I´m writing this and I´m proud of expressing my feeling, to say I was wrong and I knew I was so, I can , at least, to say ... I promised I would not say so, I´ll keep my promise but you are aware that I regret that, you was, is and always will be right, no more mistakes, no more sorrows and from this moment one, I´ll be that person you met, that one you became friends and I wait you continue to be my fan, to check what I write and don´t be afraid, when I need help, say, help me, I know but I feared for our friendship, to once again, not be able to know your opinion about me, about my things and... I can´t do it, I have to stop for a while, sorry.
Well, I´m good, so, I love you sweetie pie, you is and always will be my best friend, confident and beloved because I´ve never expected to meet someone, a angel like you on Farmville so, thanks for being my friend and for allow me into your life.
See, ya, miss ya and love ya,
From a fool who adores you.
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