Once upon a time, there was a very sad boy named Claudio. He lived in a far away land called Rio and after some sad moments in his life, the boy named Claudio decided to start playing a game, in fact, several games to clean his mind from those bad moments. He joined a site, a facebook site, where he could meet new people and play those games and done that, he started his journey into the exciting world of facebook and its games.

One day, the boy named Claudio decided to call his new friend for a chat and she accepted and since the first hi, he knew it was more than just a hi, he was sure it was more than just a hi and a little chat, a friendship has just begun.

The girl named Lindsay was so nice, so sweet, even though they never met before but was like an instantly connection, something that was meant to be, and from that day on, a friendship has been born. Almost everyday, the two of them talked, shared their happy moments,
also discovered things about each other, and of course, they shared his bad days and events as well. One thing that both has in common is, they always try to help each other, with a word, a gesture or with a big smile. The boy named Claudio was happy, so happy he could met what he´s been looking for, someone who was there for him, someone who cared about him, his sweetie pie friend.
The boy´s heart was alive again, after all, it needed only a special person, who could filled it with love and Lindsay was that person, everyday she treated the boy named Claudio well, and one day, they decided to talk on the phone too, which for the boy was a problem because his phone decided to not help and every since, he fights against it to make a call but those are so good that it´s worth, no matter how difficult to make but he knows she will answer and both will have a great time on the phone.

This is just a little way to tell how I met Lindsay and how, after that day i became her friend and how much fun I have with her. I adore you sweetie pie, you are fantastic and so sweet, extraordinary and fantastic. That´s why you live in my heart Lindsay and no matter the distance, difficulties, you will always be my sweetie pie friend.

Not only he loves Sweetie pie, but he also love his other friend, Lassie. Lassie is so beautiful and everytime she listens to the boy´s voice, she feels happy, wages his tail and farts in the girl named Lindsay´s face, showing how much she loves her. The boy is very lucky, to have two amazing and extraordinary friends. He know that, no matter what he does, good or bad, he can relay on her, she will always be around for him, with a smile, a song or just a conversation. The boy named Claudio will visit the girl´s kingdom soon, he counts the hours for the trip and he knows, he´ll finally can see what he already know, her stunning beauty. The boy named Claudio is the happiest boy on Earth, you know why, because he has his sweetie pie on his side.
The End.

This is just a little way to tell how I met Lindsay and how, after that day i became her friend and how much fun I have with her. I adore you sweetie pie, you are fantastic and so sweet, extraordinary and fantastic. That´s why you live in my heart Lindsay and no matter the distance, difficulties, you will always be my sweetie pie friend.
Love ya, miss ya and see ya!!! Byyyyeeeee!
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