Last night, in fact some hours ago, I had a pretty strange dream, I don´t dream very often, I never dream in fact, only when I am nervous, when I am going to do something special on the next day and from time to time, like last night.
Well, I was a in a big garden, and there were a party there, I had no idea who or what was the party for, but I decided to walk around, to see if I might find out or if I could see someone that I know.I start seeing some people but they didn´t have faces, just name tags in their face´s place. Pretty unusual and bizarre, I felt totally freaked and afraid because I couldn´t see their expressions, just names and no name was familiar to me.
More ahead, I saw two friends, Emma and Craig, well, I saw their names, their twitter names so I could see they were Emma and Craig. We talked for a while but for them, the fact that they didn´t have faces weren´t an issue in fact I believe they didn´t know about that and if they were seeing me like I was seeing them? I was too mesmerized to even ask that question, we continued to talk.
Suddenly, I was in a different place in that garden but now, alone, no one was there, near me or in the surrounded area and I continued wondering what was going on and out of sudden, I saw a little pond and I tried, to see myself through the pond´s reflexion and ... I just woke up. Well, trying to figure out what I just saw in my dream but I believe it will be an answer I will never have.
I am not an expert in dreams or even know what I might mean because they say all dreams is based or something, in our hidden sub-conscience but I will try to read on a book to see but I really don´t care, at least I woke up, which was a pretty good thing and also to have the chance to talk to Emma and Craig.
I hope next night I return to my regular non dreams routine or at least I dream of some gorgeous girl trying to marry me, would be great.