Wednesday, July 14, 2010


This is life and I am aging. Well, in a few weeks I will be a little older, one year older than now. Am I worried? Yes, a little but I can´t reverse it or even stop the process, not until I become a vampire, who knows Vampire Pam comes and bit me and turn me into a vampire and her sexual slave, hahahah! Seriously, I am a little worried about it, just a little.

Today, while I was in the subway, I thought about that, about my life and what is coming this new year of my life so , I decided to make a little list of things I will do this year, after my birthday. My top 5 things I want and I will do, maybe sounds a little stupid or even so pointless but I had nothing else to do during the ride so, here my list:

1- Publish my novel(s): Yeah, I hope now I can publish all or at least one of my novels. This time I m going to publish and become a author.

2- Travel to UK and USA: Well, I hope I can travel to UK first to meet some good friends I have there, both England and Scotland. I´ve been planing this but I am sure I will finally travel, I am feeling it.

3-Meet a nice girl: That´s something I really want to happen, to meet someone who loves me and wants to spend her time with me. Let´s see if this year I can finally meet my soulmate or at least a nice and beautiful girl.

4-Earn more money to do number 2: Well, without it, I believe will be totally difficult and impossible to travel .

5-Built my own studio: Yeah, I really designed my studio where I can write and store all my comics and books but again, I need that number 4 be fulfilled or will be impossible to do that too.

Let´s see if I can fulfill all or at least three items of this list or I will have to continue to pursuit it next year... NO!

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