Here we have my Marvel Legends collection, ove of many I have and you can see Galactus´s figure, the big one in the back, my favourite and I love that one because I had to collect other figures to build the Galactus. You can see Colossus, Doctor Strange, Silver Surfer, Nightcrawler and others.

This is the last Marvel Legends series that was released in Brazil, after that one, no other was, just the small version which I didn´t buy any, not my style. Also my big Spider-Man figure, called Signatures series.She-Hulk is one of my favourites but we have Jean Grey from X-Men 3, Blob, Iron man from the movie and others.

Now this is X-Men Legends collection. We have here Gambit, Beast, Magneto, Wolverine and Rouge.Gambit and Wolverine are my favourite and Magneto I have another version, which is different, here he has a raging face. Ah, I still have the box. lol

Now my Superman collection. I have lots of Superman figures, his friends, foes and you also can see a Barbie Supergirl. I know, it is pretty girlie but I had to get that doll. We also have Perry White and Jimmy Olsen and Lex from Smallville, that one dressed all black.

From another angle, the left side of the Superman collection.We have Silver Age Lex Luthor, Bizarro, Superman Returns figures and my Superman and Lois Lane Silver Age box, on the left.

Clark, Lois and Lex fro Smallville and the rest of my figures. Also my animated series´box in the back.

That is all them so you all can see. I just love my Superman collection but I have more, you´ll see.

These are another Marvel Legends collection with first appearance Hulk, Weapon X Wolverine, Professor X, Giant Man Phoenix and others.

Here you can see The Thing and his trench coat, Captain America, Doctor Doom and others.

This angle you can see them better, I miss Marvel Lengends line it was the best Marvel´s figures ever

My Batman collection with some interesting figures like Nightwing, Azrael, Joker from the Batman: The Dark Night, I am not a big Batmn fan but batman is one of those characters you have to have his figures so, I got them. lol

More Marvel Legend figures, suh as Kitty Pryde, First Appearance Spider-Man, Cyclops from X-factor, Thor, Angel, Mystique and the dreadful Sentinel. Ah, Green Goblin and Black Widow are there too.

Not it is the time for Spider-Man and his amazing friends and foes. I have lots of Spider-Man too, I like Spider-Man and his characters are great and you can see Kraven, Mysterio, Spider-Man of course.

Now from the three movies, their figures, MJ, Norman Osborn, Doc Octopus and them all. I remember when I bought them, I went to a shopping mall because there was the only place that had them.

Those are my lates figures, Batwoman, Powergirl, Shazam, Suerboy, Green Lantern, Animal Man back in the right and The Killing Joke Joker, on the right back. Booster Gold is there too.

Now Giant Size X-Men # 1 Collection. I never liked this one because Wolvderine and Cyclops are missing, they never made them for that collection and I never found two figures that could match. Even thought they are well made version, specially Storm, Nightcrawler and Colossus.

This are my mix of Justice League Unlimited and Super Power figures. I remember that Superman was the first ever Superman figure I had not to mention I love Green Lantern too. zatanna and Wonder Woman are fantastic and I love them all, no exception.

Clark, Lois and Lex fro Smallville and the rest of my figures. Also my animated series´box in the back.

That is all them so you all can see. I just love my Superman collection but I have more, you´ll see.

These are another Marvel Legends collection with first appearance Hulk, Weapon X Wolverine, Professor X, Giant Man Phoenix and others.

Here you can see The Thing and his trench coat, Captain America, Doctor Doom and others.

This angle you can see them better, I miss Marvel Lengends line it was the best Marvel´s figures ever

My Batman collection with some interesting figures like Nightwing, Azrael, Joker from the Batman: The Dark Night, I am not a big Batmn fan but batman is one of those characters you have to have his figures so, I got them. lol

More Marvel Legend figures, suh as Kitty Pryde, First Appearance Spider-Man, Cyclops from X-factor, Thor, Angel, Mystique and the dreadful Sentinel. Ah, Green Goblin and Black Widow are there too.

Not it is the time for Spider-Man and his amazing friends and foes. I have lots of Spider-Man too, I like Spider-Man and his characters are great and you can see Kraven, Mysterio, Spider-Man of course.

Now from the three movies, their figures, MJ, Norman Osborn, Doc Octopus and them all. I remember when I bought them, I went to a shopping mall because there was the only place that had them.

Those are my lates figures, Batwoman, Powergirl, Shazam, Suerboy, Green Lantern, Animal Man back in the right and The Killing Joke Joker, on the right back. Booster Gold is there too.

Now Giant Size X-Men # 1 Collection. I never liked this one because Wolvderine and Cyclops are missing, they never made them for that collection and I never found two figures that could match. Even thought they are well made version, specially Storm, Nightcrawler and Colossus.

This are my mix of Justice League Unlimited and Super Power figures. I remember that Superman was the first ever Superman figure I had not to mention I love Green Lantern too. zatanna and Wonder Woman are fantastic and I love them all, no exception.

Here we have Some marvel characters like Alpha Flight, Captain Marvel, Luke Cage an others. I also have here the Secret War figures, in the back but the photo isn´t that good so you will not be able to see all.

More of those DC latest figures I bought. Powergirl is like the comics version and her big boobs.

X-Men, X-Men Professor X, Psylocke, Rogue, Wolverine, Gambit, Ice man, Jubilee, Banshee to name few.

Now X-Men Movies. See Wolverine and his bike, Magneto, Mystique all all gang. I remember I needed help to carry them all when I bought. lol My mom had to help me.

DC Dark Corner with Planetary, Starman, Heblazer and Promethea box set.

Buffy, Hellboy, Tom Ryder and Angel are part of this shelf.

Fantastic Four movies are now on the spotlight. Doctor Doom, Mr. fantastic, The Thing, two version, Invisible Woman, half invisible and and all invisible are part of this collection.

More Superman and Batman figures. Also tow box, one with some all season Superman, Lex Luthor, general Zod and Others. I have a Brainiac but you can´t see it.

X-Men, X-Men Professor X, Psylocke, Rogue, Wolverine, Gambit, Ice man, Jubilee, Banshee to name few.

Now X-Men Movies. See Wolverine and his bike, Magneto, Mystique all all gang. I remember I needed help to carry them all when I bought. lol My mom had to help me.

DC Dark Corner with Planetary, Starman, Heblazer and Promethea box set.

Buffy, Hellboy, Tom Ryder and Angel are part of this shelf.

Fantastic Four movies are now on the spotlight. Doctor Doom, Mr. fantastic, The Thing, two version, Invisible Woman, half invisible and and all invisible are part of this collection.

More Superman and Batman figures. Also tow box, one with some all season Superman, Lex Luthor, general Zod and Others. I have a Brainiac but you can´t see it.
I hope you all could enjoy a little of my collection. I know it is pretty silly and nerdish but i love them and I decided to share my love for them and my collection with you all. It´s a kind of labour of love because most of them were pretty hard to find but I could and I was lucky to find and I could be able to buy them all. I love them and I hope one day my kid can love them all too.
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