Friday, May 27, 2011

Bored (again)

I am kind of bored today, actually this whole week I a´ve been feeling that way. Nothing really bad happened to click on this feeling but it happened. In fact, a bad incident happened, some accounting problems really made me down, also boredom really affects me

I am sure after watching The Hangover 2 (I will scape from work later to watch it) will, is going to make me feel much, much better.

Until them, lunch and some more boring stuff is waiting for me. Ah! Hope my new comics arrive today.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Yesterday, I watched Thor and what I can say, any doubts in my mind, it was a excellent movie.

I read toms of Thor adventures in comics but I never considered myself a big fan of Thor. There are amazing stories and runs, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, Roy Thomas and John Buscema, Walter Simonson, Tom de Falco and Rom Frenz although after the latter I mentioned, I stopped reading his adventures, only his Avengers´s part, just that.

When J. Michael Straczynski too over, with his visionary and fresh vision of Thor, I became a fan again and since Thor #1 (once again) i've been reading Thor.

Thor movie really is what brought me back to the character in comic format, freshpoint but without the classic aspects of the character.

I had no idea Straczynski wrote the story, I have to say was amazing. He and the other writers really knew the game. They didn´t used a version of thor, instead, they mixed a variety of elements from the classic stories. Lee and Kirby´s run was there, Simonson´s Thor was there too, I just loved they didn´t used Dr. Donald Blake´s persona, really was a fantastic thng because it didn´t confused the non fans, and i liked too, even though I thnk Blake´s return to Thor´s mythology was another great things from Straczyinski´s mind and run, also, most of what he did was there, pleasing a big fan of his run myself.

The other characters were excellent played by their actors, Antony Hopkins´Odin was excellent, he portrayed all might father classy, like always, Tom Hiddleston as Loki was amazing! It was the real Prince of Lies in movie scream. Bravo, he was one of the best part of the movie, his moves, expressions, deceives and everything, Kat Dennings always cute and beautiful, Stellan Skarsgard was great as well. The Warriors Three were there too. I like them and they were great too.

Lady Sif by Jamie Alexander was so beautiful, she played her in an extraordinary way. She is now one of my movie crushes after that movie. I think the cast really got right in every choice for this movie.

Natalie Portman as Jane Foster and Chris Hemsworth as Thor had the perfect chemistry together. His Thor was flawless, from Thor´s fall to his return to grace, he knew the game and Portman, as (different from comics, which Foster was first a nurse and later a MD) movie´s Jane Foster was a scientist, really was the hook to make the movie relevant and perfect.

I loved Clint Barton(Hawkeye) appearance , made me want the day to watch The Avengers´movie, I just can´t wait for that.

The special effects were the ticket. The colors, locations, Asgard was huge, shinning and so living, like a real place not that fantastic making believe comics and mythology home of Nordic Gods.

If you have second thoughts in watching Thor, take this humble entry review as an invitation to watch Thor. From a die hard comics fan to others and non fans, it´s a movie you don´t need to read any Thor comics to have a great time in the cinema, go watch, you´ll not regret.