Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Life On Twitter.

My first Twitter account was about one year ago, under the alias of johnconstantine and it lasted two days. Yeah, only two days. I had no idea how that worked and I posted some thoughts and actions and I got bored and frustrated and I terminated the account.

Last April, my friend Justin convinced me to join again, this time under my real identity, and I decided to give it a try, still believing I would fall into the same trap but this time, he helped me to figure out Twitter and the rest I had to do on my own so, the adventure has just begun.

I can´t complain, at all, I made lots of great friends and some amazing and close friends such as Emma, Craig, Dru, Billy, Janina, Leanne, Rachel and others. I have a daily contact with them, others I have a regular and some others I miss and I have no idea where they are but it´s natural, life works that way.

I use Twitter mostly to write about my life, to chat with my friends and to read what others posts, like news and some relevant things of my interest, I believe it works that way, I´m still trying to figure it out, I know, I´m that dummy sometimes. I don´t regret my current Twitter experience and either my previous because without that fiasco, I would´t have met some excellent and amazing people I´m proud to call friends and I believe when I become a famous or just a regular author, I´ll continue to use it, after all, Twitter is a important and cool part of my life and without it, I would be kind of lost, it´s strange from a person who never liked Internet stuff or even twitter.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hi My Blog.

Well, since last week, to be true since two Fridays ago, I´ve been neglecting my blog, this blog not my tumblr one, I don´t know why, maybe because there it´s more fast pace, I don´t need to write anything down, just post a photo or re blog another one´s but I like Thoughts, after all, here was the first place I started writing my thoughts to others, even though I believe only a few read what I write but it´s okay, it´s better than no one.

I´ll write more, not to mention I´ll go to others places I´m member from now one, forums specially,l those I´ve been neglecting as well, like comic book ones, I miss those places and I´ll return today after all, I have fun reading and post about stupid super heroes, and comics stories and I´ll start another blog, this one is about X-Men stuff and I´ll earn some money to write it but both Thought and Life or Something will be my places, after all I´m a writer and I can write about anything, not only X-Men or re blog photos.

See, now this will go directly to tumblr and I´ll post something there too, I´m back my blog, and for good.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My First Published Article.

Well, that´s awesome! I had my first article published, I know it´s about X-men, it´s a review but who cares, I wrote it and It´s published, no matter, I´m part of something, and even I don´t get any money, I´m happy anyway. here the link.


Jane Austen would be proud of me.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I´m all alone, lost and bored, what Am I supposed to do? Nothing to be true, I have no way out, I´m trapped in my own life, I need a change, I have to change and I will change, not now, it´s late, maybe tomorrow.