Thursday, September 23, 2010


I am dependable of computer, not only in my work but in private life as well. Right now, I have a free time and I went to Facebook and there is some technical issue so I can´t play my (stupid) games and I kind of feeling frustrated, I also have so problems while I was doing some important work today, our PC had some "technical" issue as well and I had to do the work by hand but I can´t play the games by hand... not possible.

The only think I can do is wait, do other things like twitter and tumblr, also checking my e-mails, waiting for Facebook return to his technical issues. My luck is later, I have other important things to do so, it´s my time to be away from Facebook. My own technical issues.

I Have to Write!

I really do, I have to write more. Since I stopped, for some stupid reasons, I feel that urge to write but sometimes, I get lazy or I have nothing to write so, I procrastinate it. I have to return to my old writing routine, I really started it doing my #FF comics but this week, I feel bad I (again) couldn´t finish it, I want to do that so much, I want it to be so organized, so fancy that I get bored and don´t finish it but next week, will be done.

I also need some or at least one ( for a start) novel be published, I really need it... so bad.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Recently, I heard one song, on the radio but the station didn´t and that female voice and lyrics just got stuck in my mind and I had to looking for who she was.

I totally by chance discovered the name of the song "My Delirium" and the artist Ladyhawke. Her real name is Phillipa Brown, a New Zealand singer, and multi-instrumentalist . I just fell in love with her music and I became a fan, not hard because of her style and strong lyrics which gather me into her sound.

I watched some of her videos and performances on youtube and I like, specially because she is very powerful on stage, she has a strong voice and her shows, at least what I could she on video demonstrated that.
You can see this photo what I saw, I wish one day I can see her live, maybe she can go to Brazil or I can go, when I go to UK, she might performance there by that time.

Today, I ordered her album, here, when something is too cool you ca´t find, specially albums but no problem, in two weeks, I will receive my copy her her debut album... I can´t wait to upload her songs on my cellphone and MP4 player.

This is the video of " My Delirium", enjoy.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Follow Friday Comics Vol. 2 # 1

This was this week´s FollowFriday comics, did you like? Didn´t like? Feel free to let your comment and suggestion for the next ones. If you also want to be part, let me know and will add you, my follow friend. But if you are not part of my fantastic list of friend, add me. lol!
I hope you love this little labour of love like I loved doing it and next #FFcomics, the return of the regular format, with mt action figure so, see you there.
Claudio Pahl A.K.A @cpahl2000