Friday, March 26, 2010


Well, that´s what is a constant in my life these days, a question mark and you ask why? I´ll answer you.

Nothing seens to go right, everything I try to do ends up in a massive failure or an incomp´lete task, may it´s my fault, after all, iot´s my life although some of those involved others. still, my faul for making some of those people part of it, not to mention a... forget it!

I need to see new people, to meet new faces, I´m tired of the same routine, the same face I´ve been seeing for ages and I NEED a change, a total make over in my life but am I capable of doing it?

...To be continued.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Yes! You are capable of doing it. Maybe you should travel? Take a year off or something, or maybe that's a bit too far fetched. Find a new hobby perhaps? Do something fulfilling :)